Plenary Speakers
Prof. Maria H. Bragga
University of Porto,
Prof. Mohammed
Faculty of Engineering,
New Zealand
Prof. Alla White
South Dakota Mines
Jorge Mora
International Lithium Association
Guest Speakers
Prof. Svetlana Ushak
CELiMIN-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Romeo C. Velarde
WinayTEC, Bolivia
Dr David Amurrio
Bolivian Catholic
University, Bolivia
Dr Lindley Maxwell
CICITEM-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Marcelo Gonzales
CELiMIN-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Alifhers Mestra
North Catholic University,
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Mario Grageda
CELiMIN-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dra Ingrid Garcés
University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dra Mariela Ortiz
National University of
La Plata, Argentina
Dr Rene Rojas
Pontifical Catholic
University of Chile
Dr Kumaresan Lakshmanan
CELIMIN - University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Jonatan Cisterna
North Catholic University,
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Sergio Conejeros
North Catholic University,
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr Marcos Flores
University of Chile,
Industry speakers
Dr(c) Catalina Vargas
Research Management
SQM, Chile
Javier Silva
SQM, Chile
Gustavo Muñoz
SQM, Chile
Dr Juan Becerra
SQM, Chile
Gérman Pérez
Manager of Planning and Studies SQM, Chile
Msc Levy Fuentes
SQM, Chile
Eng Marcelo Bravo
Ad Infinitum, Chile
Young research speakers
Dr (c) Luis Rojas
CELiMIN-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Dr . Adrian Quispe
CELiMIN-University of
Antofagasta, Chile
Eng. Carolina Torrico
Bolivian Catholic
University, Bolivia